2018 Conference Program

Here, you can find the provisional program of events for the Chicago Colloquium on Digital Humanities and Computer Science 2018. Note that the program is subject to change.

Friday November 9

[efaccordion id=”01″]
[efitems title=”Welcome and Opening Plenary: #DH in the City
7:00-9:00PM, Kasbeer Hall, Corboy Law Center” text=”Welcome: Kyle Roberts, Director, Center for Textual Studies and Digital Humanities, and Geoff Swindells, Associate Dean, Loyola University Libraries

Opening Plenary: DH in the City
Moderated by Roshanna Sylvester (DePaul University)

Saving Irish Traditional Music in Chicago: Francis O’Neill, Anne Barry (Lake Forest College)

Circulation Modeling of Library Book Promotions, Robin Burke (DePaul University)

The Geography of Circulation and Sentiment: Mapping ‘One Book, One Chicago,’ John Shanahan, Ana Lucic, and Nandhini Gulasingam (DePaul University)

The Sanctity of Stories: Haitian Churches and Oral Histories in Chicago, Courtney Pierre Joseph (Lake Forest College)

Building a Digital Edition of Jane Addams’ Papers, Cathy Moran Hajo (Jane Addams Papers Project)”]

Saturday November 10

Breakfast Sponsored by Adam Matthew
7:30 – 8:30AM

[efaccordion id=”02″]
[efitems title=”Panel 2: Gaming
8:30 – 10:00AM, Regents Hall, Lewis Tower” text=”Moderated by Michael DeAnda, Illinois Institute of Technology

Video Game Art: Pedagogy and Research, Kelli Wood (University of Michigan), Chaz Evans (Northwestern University), and Tiffany Funk (University of Illinois at Chicago)”]

[efaccordion id=”03″]
[efitems title=”Poster & Workshop Morning Session
10:00 – 11:00AM” text=”Workshop:
Muddle With Me: Celebrating the Mess Before the Magic with Taylor Brown and Rebecca Parker (Loyola University Chicago)


  • A Digital Archaeology of Life in Cleveland’s Depression-Era Slums, Charlie Harper and Jared Bendis (Case Western Reserve University)
  • The Difficulties of Naming Experience: Articulating Rape and Sexual Assault Experiences Online, Julia Kott (College of William and Mary)
  • Emergent Technologies in Digital Archives: Creating and Supporting Interactive Tools, Ben Lacey (Adam Matthew)
  • The Secret Language of Medieval Objects, 700-1600, Ariel Medoff and Jill Walker (Loyola University Chicago)
  • Expanding Teacher Access to the Jane Addams Digital Edition, Cathy Moran Hajo and Renee DeLora (Jane Addams Papers Project)
  • Norbert Elias’ Work as a Sociological Theoretical Foundations for Social Network Analysis, Hugo Neri (University of Cambridge) and Veridiana Cordeiro (University of Chicago)
  • Mapping Kinship in an Enslaved Community, Kelly Schmidt (Loyola University Chicago)
  • Digital Humanities Methods for Contemporary and Future Education, Danuta Smolucha (Jesuit University ‘Ignatianum,’ Krakow / Center for Textual Studies and Digital Humanities)
  • A Digital ‘Historical Gaze’ of Chinese Students in Iowa, 1911-1930, Shu Wan (University of Iowa)
  • Electroacoustic Music Repertoire (preservation, performance, reconstruction), David Wetzel (Loyola University Chicago)


[efaccordion id=”12″]
[efitems title=”Panel 3: Digital Editions
11:00AM – 12:30PM, Regents Hall, Lewis Towers” text=”Moderated by John Shanahan (DePaul University)

Simplifying Historical Projects: The Charles Harpur Critical Archive, Paul Eggert (Loyola University Chicago)

The CEDAR Project: A New Approach to Textual Studies, Sarah Yardney, Sandra Schloen, Miller Prosser (University of Chicago)

Letters Re-Edited: ‘Versions’ of Letters in Digital Documentary Editions, Mandy Gagel (Mark Twain Project, UC Berkeley)” ]

[efaccordion id=”04″]
[efitems title=”Panel 4: Machine Learning
11:00AM – 12:30PM, Simpson Room, LUMA” text=”Moderated by Clovis Gladstone (University of Chicago)

Machine Correction of Defective Text in Transcription Using LSTM Language Models, Sangrin Lee, Larry Wang, Michael Chen, Martin Mueller, Doug Downey (Northwestern University)

Verba Volant, Scripta Manent: Approaching the Automatic Transcription of Medieval Latin Manuscripts, Samuel Grieggs, Bingyu Shen, Christine Ascik, Erik Ellis, Mihow McKenny, Nikolas Churik, Emily Mahan, David Chiang, Hildegund Müller, Walter Scheirer (University of Notre Dame)

Analyzing the Effectiveness of Using Character n-grams to Perform Authorship Attribution in the English Language, David Berdik (Duquesne Univeristy)”]


12:30 – 1:30PM

[efaccordion id=”05″]
[efitems title=”Panel 5: Mapping & Visualization
1:30 – 3:00PM, Regents Hall, Lewis Towers” text=”Moderated by Danuta Smolucha (Jesuit University ‘Ignatianum,’ Krakow / Center for Textual Studies and Digital Humanities)

Contending with Uncertainty. Mapping the Unknown in Early Modern Spatial History, Luca Scholz (Stanford University)

Changing Lanes: A Reanimation of Shell Oil’s Carol Lane, Melissa Dollman (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)

Retrospective Visualization of Key Landmarks of St. Petersburg Based on Corpora Analysis, Antonina Puchkovskaia, Alexander Bulantsov, Denis Grishin and Egor Birukov (ITMO University)”]

[efaccordion id=”06″]
[efitems title=”Panel 6: Poetics
1:30 – 3:00PM, Simpson Room, LUMA” text=”Moderated by Jeffrey Tharsen, University of Chicago

Shedding Light into America’s Prisons: Data Provenance and Preprocessing of the American Prison Writing Archive, Nicholas Anderson and Ana Lucic (DePaul University)

New Sermons on the Warpland: Intentionally Black Computational Poetics, Lillian-Yvonne Bertram (University of Massachusetts, Boston)

Literary Chromatics: Computational Approaches to Color in 19th. C. Texts, James Clawson (Grambling State University)”]

[efaccordion id=”07″]
[efitems title=”Poster & Workshop Afternoon Session
3:00 – 4:00PM” text=”Workshop:
Dive Deeper into Gale’s Digital Scholar Lab with Marc Cormier and Sarah Ketchley (Gale-Cengage)


  • The Proteus Effect in Online Communities:The Benefits of a Multi-Corpus Approach, Ross Burkholder, Jason Riggle and Sofia Garcia Martinez (University of Chicago)
  • Designing Multilingual Word Lists to Preserve and Explore Handwritten Inscriptions, Ashley Champagne, Luna McNulty and Michael Satlow (Brown University)
  • Bulge Lab: A Postmortem on Digital Literacies and Alternate Reality Games, Michael DeAnda (Illinois Institute of Technology)
  • Mary APParitions, Neomi DeAnda (University of Dayton)
  • Distinction of Literary Genres through the Visualization of Character Networks: The Case of ten National Episodes by Pérez Galdós, Jennifer Isasi (University of Texas Libraries)
  • A Quantitative Analysis of the Use of Similes in English, Patrick Juola (Duquesne University)
  • Assessing the Impact of Accessibility in Academia: A Review of Inclusive Design, Julia Justusson (DePaul University)
  • Tesserae Intertext Service: Intertextual Search Access to Digital Collections in the Humanities, Jeffery Kinnison, Nozomu Okuda, James Gawley, Cari Haas, Caitlin Diddams, Neil Coffee and Walter Scheirer (University of Notre Dame and University of Buffalo)
  • Alternative Visualizations of Relationships in Faulkner’s Yoknapatawpha Fiction, W Martin, J Burgers and S Railton (University of Virginia and Ashoka University)
  • Decolonizing the Archive: The May Weber Collection in a Digital World, Catherine Nichols and June Coyne (Loyola University Chicago)


[efaccordion id=”08″]
[efitems title=”Panel 7: Building and Preserving
4:00 – 5:30PM, Regents Hall, Lewis Towers” text=”Moderated by Caroline McCraw (Loyola University Chicago)

Endings: Concluding, Archiving, and Preserving Digital Projects for Long-Term Usability, Emily Comeau(University of Victoria)

A Digital Edition Publishing Cooperative for Historical Accounts (DEPCHA), Kathryn Tomasek (Wheaton College, Massachusetts) and Ben Brumfield (Brumfield Labs)

An Emerging Standard for Research-Quality Images; What IIIF Means for Digital Humanists, Tracy Seneca (University of Illinois at Chicago)”]

[efaccordion id=”09″]
[efitems title=”Panel 8: DH in the Classroom
4:00 – 5:30PM, Simpson Room, LUMA” text=”Moderated by Jillana Enteen (Northwestern University)

Can First-Year Comp Do DH?, Anna Ioanes (University of St. Francis)

Image Analysis at Scale in the Undergraduate Humanities Classroom, Kristen Mapes and Scott Schopieray (Michigan State University)

Using Digital Pedagogies, Service Learning, and Art History to Explore how the West Imagined the Rest, Janice Mann (Bucknell University)”]

Keynote and Reception Sponsored by Gale-Cengage
5:30 – 8:00PM, Beane Hall, Lewis Towers
Keynote: “Data Trouble,” Miriam Posner (University of California, Los Angeles)
With an introduction by Elizabeth Hopwood, Assistant Director, Center for Textual Studies and Digital Humanities (Loyola University Chicago)

Sunday November 11


8:00 – 8:45AM
[efaccordion id=”10″]
[efitems title=”Panel 9: Computationally Examining Gender at Scale
8:45 – 10:15AM” text=”Moderated by Abigail Stahl (University of Illinois at Chicago)

‘This, reader, is no fiction’: Examining the Correlation Between Reader Address and Author Identity in the Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Novel, Gabi Kirilloff (Texas Christian University)

‘Manspreading’ in the Nineteenth Century? Hand Gestures as Unstable Signs of Gender, Jonathan Cheng (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)

Dissenting Women: Assessing the Significance of Gender on Rhetorical Style in the Supreme Court, Rosamond Thalken (Washington State University)”]
[efaccordion id=”11″]
[efitems title=”Panel 10: Crowdsourcing
10:30AM – 12:00PM, Regents Hall, Lewis Towers” text=”Moderated by Allan J. Berry (University of Illinois at Chicago)

Case Studies in Cultural Heritage Crowdsourcing, Jen Wolfe (Newberry Library), Samantha Blickhan (Adler Planetarium), John Clegg (University of Chicago)”]

Conference Wrap-up and Final Thoughts

12:00 – 12:30PM