Maryland Loyalism Project

The Narrative of Robert Alexander - Page 2 - Transcript

49 [97]

intention of that Conduct from a Consideration of the following
facts  having in Decr 1775 been appointed a Delegate to the
Continental Congress- Your Memst soon discovered that
Measures were pursuing upon Principles and to effect purposes
directly reverse of his and of the design for which that Body
was originally constituted and when those Measures pointed
to the Establishment of republican Govts upon the ruin of the
ancient ones Your Memst with the other Maryland
delegates opposed them though without Effect From this
time your Memst determined to retire from a Station which
he now felt to be dishonorable and dishonest And the
Congress having by by resolve in May 1776 recommended
to ^the then united Colonies to suppress the old and establish
new Governments, the Maryland Delegates immediately
withdrew from Congress and your Memst returned to
Maryland with an unalterable purpose neither to sit
in Congress nor to act in any Manner or design which were
Contrary to those which he ever had in view He acted in
Conformity to that loyal purpose when the assembly
of Maryland having in Novr 1776 reqiured every Lawyer
to renounce his Sovereign. Your Memst refused to take
that Oath and of Consequence was obliged to relinquish
his Business and retire from the Bar, subjected himself
to all the Penalties which had been imposed on Nonjurors.
            That in August 1777 when the British Fleet
[Transcribed by Jillian Curran]

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