Maryland Loyalism Project

The Testimonies for Bennett Allen - Page 4 - Transcript

306 [151]

He says prior to the War the Produce of the living was equal
to what he has stated in his Schedule.

Govr  Sharpe
            Knew the Claimant to be Rector of All Saints Parish
which in 1768 was returned worth 800 a Year

Rev. Mr. Chas. Morgan
            Knew Mr. Allen was the reputed Rector of All Saints
Parish which was commonly spoke a far equal to 1500
Currency per Annum
He supposes it was the full value of the living
            Was present at the Sermon Mr. Allen mentioned
which he says was preached on a Fast day, & gave great
offence as if for preached up moderation instead of Opposition
to the measures of Great Britain. The Witness knew him
For a year previous to the War when his Conduct was in
his Judgement perfectly Loyal.

Mr. James Brooks Sworn
            Knows nothing of Mr. Allen Property by general
Repute it was the best Living in Maryland and he
conceived it to be worth 1000 on 1200 Currency equal
To 6 or 700 Sterling
            Read the following affidt
Samuel Chase of the State of Maryland being first
duly sworn on the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God
deposeth and saith that he is a Citizen of the State of
Maryland in North America and intends to return to the
said State in three or four weeks from this Time that he
was formally acquainted with the Revd Mr. Bennet Allen

[Transcribed By: Aida Ibarra] 

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