Maryland Loyalism Project

The Testimonies for Bennett Allen - Page 5 - Transcript


Who was the Incumbent as Rector of All Saints
Parish in Frederick County in the said state which Parish
was more extensive and contained more taxables than
any other in the State and that he always understood
That there were six or seven thousand Taxables in the
said Parish and that the Nett Annual Income arising
from the said Parish was between One Thousand and
Twelve hundred pounds Currency, that he was well
acquainted with Mr. John Hanson of Maryland &
with his Hand Writing having often seen him write
and frequently corresponded with him and that he
believes the Letter dated 2nd June 1783 and the State of
Mr. Allen’s affairs | now shewn him | as the Hand
Writing of Mr. Hanson and that the said Mr. Hanson
was a gentlemen of unquestionable Credit Veracity
and Honor. And this Deponent further saith that he
understands and believes the value of the Lands taken
up by Mr. Allen among the Glades in Frederick County
about the Year One thousand seven hundred and Seventy
three to be from nine Shillings to twelve Sterling per Annum.
                                                Samuel Chase.
Sworn before the Comme
The 22nd March 1784
John Forster

                                                July 11th, 1788
Horatio Shape Esqr. Sworn
            Says where he spoke of the Value of
Mr. Bennet Allen’s living as being 800l pr Ann

[Transcribed By: Aida Ibarra]  


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