Maryland Loyalism Project

AO12-8: LCC Evidence, Maryland (1786-1789)

having in Decr 1775 been appointed a Delegate to the
Continental Congress - Your Memst soon discovered that
Measures were pursuing upon Principles and to effect purposes
directly reverse of his and of the design for which that Body
was originally constituted and when those Measures pointed
to the Establishment of republican Govts upon the ruin of the
ancient ones Your Memst with the other Maryland
delegates opposed them though without Effect

- Memorial of Robert Alexander

Audit Office (AO) 12/8 is a bound volume of collated material submitted to the Loyalist Claims Commission. It contains memorials and evidence collected from Maryland Loyalist refugees in London and Halifax between 1786 and 1789. The volume lists the claims of 39 Loyalists, with evidence attesting to the validity of each claim.

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