2017 Senate Bill 13 Implementation: Tribal History/Shared History within the Oregon Department of Education

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2017 Senate Bill 13 Implementation: Tribal History/Shared History within the Oregon Department of Education


This was a bill passed in 2017 within the state of Oregon in order to add Native American experience to the state educational curriculum. The curriculum will include things from tribal history, tribal sovereignty, culture, treaty rights, government, socioeconomic experiences, and current events of Native people. This is the states way of recognizing the tribal communities importance to the states past, present, and future. The webinar which is linked to this site explains how the state will work with each of the 9 federally recognized tribal governments to create the information they think should be taught within schools. Each tribal government will receive $200,000 to create the content they think is important about their history and culture which will then be implemented within all the schools in the state.


Education Northwest - They have been awarded the contract to be in control of the implementation of this bill.

The Oregon State Legislature and lobbing groups should also be recognized.


This information affects the 9 federally recognized groups within Oregon. They include the Wadatika band of Paiute Indians, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw Indians, the Confederated Tribes of Siletz which is composed of 27 bands originating form Northern California to Southern Washington, Cayuse, Umatilla, Walla Walla, Wasco, Paiute, the Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe, Klanmath, Modoc, Yahooskin, Coquille, Umpqua, Molalla, Rogue River, Kalapuya, and Shasta.


Oregon Department of Education


Informaiton: https://www.oregon.gov/ode/students-and-family/equity/NativeAmericanEducation/Pages/Senate-Bill-13-Tribal-HistoryShared-History.aspx

Webinar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9WAO3Ni6Cs&feature=youtu.be


Education Northwest - They have been awarded the contract to be in control of the implementation of this bill. The Oregon State Legislature and lobbing groups should also be recognized. , “2017 Senate Bill 13 Implementation: Tribal History/Shared History within the Oregon Department of Education,” ANTH 212: Peoples of Native North America FA18, accessed September 21, 2024, https://ctsdh.org/anth212/items/show/27.

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