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  • Tags: Julia Treichel

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Time for Kids is a magazine used in classrooms around the country. This article focused on the returning of Hopi artifacts to the tribe.

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Paper titled Webster City Freeman on August 8, 1911 Article is on page 6 of 8

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This was a bill passed in 2017 within the state of Oregon in order to add Native American experience to the state educational curriculum. The curriculum will include things from tribal history, tribal sovereignty, culture, treaty rights, government,…

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At this event students were able to voice their need for cultural and personal supports within American schools. Students were able to explain how when their schools don't respect their cultures through things like having a mascot that is a…

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The information in the graph comes from the year-by-year data from the National Center for Education Statistics. This data is looking at the United States as a whole. Not every state has a positive increase over the years but the nation as a whole…
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