Maryland Loyalism Project

The Narrative of Elizabeth Allen - Page 1 - Transcript

207 [412]

To the Commissioners appointed by Act of Parliamt
for enquiring into the Losses and Services of the American
Loyalists -
            The Memorial of Elizabeth Allen late of
            Maryland, North America,
That your Memorialist resided in Maryland 14 years
the greater part of that time with her Brother the Revd Bennet
Allen, Rector of all Saints in that Province, a living of very
considerable value that upon his quitting that Country in 1775
she staid behind in hopes of preserving part of his Property but
finding his affairs totally ruined; she returned to England in
the latter end of the year 1780  Your Memst continued a firm
friend to the British Government and from her situation
in Frederic Town Maryland where many British Prisoners
were confined she had an Opportunity of rendering them
great and important Services in their distrefsed situation.
In proof of which your Memst has selected from many others
attested Copies of Letters from Prisoners who received Assistance
from her. One from Lieut Wilson of the 55th in return for money
lent and begging her Interest to get his Servant out of Jail
One from Lieut Stewart of the 71st for the loan of Money Two
from Mr. Hamilton an English Spy taken up as a deserter
whom she got off and he was afterwards hanged at Charles
Town one from Wm King of the 33d begging leave to work out


[Transcribed by Claire Tryon]

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