Maryland Loyalism Project

The Testimonies for Henry Stevenson - Page 6 Transcript

148 [294]

Uriah Forrest (a Subject of America) Sworn.
Remembers Mr. Stevenson had an Estate near
Baltimore.  This was a large House which he thinks
was of Stone. –
It was spoken of as a good House but he has
not that Knowledge of the House to set a value on it.
Remembers the Lot in Baltimore which he thinks
were sold early for the Payment of Dr. Stevenson’s debt
cant speak accurately to the value, should not suppose
in 1774 they would have let for more than ₤30 Sterling.
Knows that Bringhurst & all the Property the Claimt
had [illeg] was confiscated, on Bringhurst there were
some Negroes, all the property is absolutely lost to the
Claimant unless any late Act should have restored it to
him or his Family.

George Chalmers Esqr. Sworn.
Knew the Claimant at Baltimore he exerted himself
as far as he could in the Course of Great Britain Believes
his principal Services were rendered subsequent to the
Witness quitting the Country, he used the Influence he had
to keep the People quiet & though he might not be principally
instrumental therein he contributed as far as lay in his
Being questioned as to the Circumstances of the Claimt
prior to the War.
Says he should rather suppose him to have been a
Man of embarrassed Circumstances and that he was in
debt but he does not speak for any certain Information
he had the Appearance of doing a great deal but he doubts
[Transcribed by Thomas Benner]

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