Maryland Loyalism Project

The Testimonies for James Brooks - Page 2 - Transcript

Says he Continued at Annapolis till Oct.r 1781. He was first
applied to, to take up Arms in the fall of 1775 but refused
Says many were permitted to remain who kept quiet.
            Is asked what was the reason he continued so long with
the Americans. Says the reason was that he cou’d not get
away to New York besides which he was left in Charge of
a friends Estate, and thought himself bound as a point of
Honor to stay. This friend was a M.r Scott, who was then in
England. It was both landed and personal property.
He can’t pretend to say he was a Loyalist, as he went back
again. Another reason was he thought he could be
more useful to Government by staying than coming away
as he had possession of the Records of the Privy Council
which he was permitted by the usurped Government, to
            From Annapolis he went to Alexandria in Virginia
from thence to Santa Cruz, and from there to England
where he arrived in Jan.y 1782. Says he never did make
any Sacrifice of his principles, on the contrary he endeav.d
to prove the opposite to the Americans.
            Copy of Certificate of Sir Robert Eden (the original at the
Treasury) is read, saying that the Claimant conducted him
self with Ability in his Offices and continued in America
unintimidated by the threats of the usurpers, in hopes of
weathering the Storm of Rebellion.

Losses - Says he had 2100 Acres of Land in the Back Country which
he had taken up, They were uncultivated, He sold them in
1779 for Congress money, which did not nett him more than
a Dollar an Acre Sterling. Dollars were then about four for
one. He charges 6 Per Acre as a loss on the Sale of this land
amounting together to 52£ 10 Sterling.
[Transcribed by Kyle Roberts]

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