Maryland Loyalism Project

The Testimonies for John Clapham - Page 3 - Transcript

to these offices but does not doubt but Mr Claphams own Statement
is just as he is an honest Man and an accurate Man.

James Brooks Esqr   Sworn
            Says Mr Clapham was well known to him and a
Man of respectable Character.
            Knows he held the sevl Offices mentd in his Schedule
the Salary of Commr of the Loan Office was £90 Sterling per annum.
            Does not know the Amount of the Office of Comptr of the
Customs. He was Clerk of the Revenue appointed by the Commr of
the Revenue
            Was only Deputy keeper of the Rent Roll - under a
Mr Hayward who held the Office of Principal.
Exd B.B.
[Transcribed by Jillian Curran]

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