Maryland Loyalism Project

The Testimonies for Robert Christie - Page 2 - Transcript

As to a Moiety of a Lot in Fells Point.
            For Title and value refers to the Evidence taken in
the Case of Jas Christie Esqr who was jointly Concerned with
him therein. Says his Moiety sold for more than Mr James
Christies, they being sold separately and says that the Money
for which it was sold was good Money.
            Says his Business as a Mercht brot him in £600
per Annum.
            Says he has not yet got a correct List of his Debts
as soon as he receives it he will transmit a Correct Statemt
            Says he was Sheriff of Baltimore County appd
by the Govr for three years. The Profits of his first year were
£2450 Currency. The two next years from the Nature of
the times he cou’d make no Collectn and it produced little or
nothing. The Emoluments arose from Fees and a Commissn
on the Collection of all Lawyers and Clergymans Dues.

George Chalmers Esqr  Sworn
            Says he knew Mr Robt Christie for many years,
He was Sheriff of Baltimore County and acquitted himself
in his Office better than any Sheriff they had had for many
Years and always was a Zealous Loyalist
            Says the two Messrs Christie’s were concerned in the
[Transcribed by Jillian Curran]

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