AO12-7: LCC Evidence, Maryland (1785-1787)
That said Kelly on account of large rewards
being offered for apprehending him continued secreted
until the Surrender of Lord Cornwallis by which time
his beard was grown a considerable length, and he
otherwise so disguised himself as a Dunkard or German
Baptist (a religious sect of People in Maryland and
Pensylvania) to Travel to New York, yet notwithstanding
the disguise he was taken upon suspicion of not being
a Dunkard
- The Memorial of Hugh Kelly
Audit Office (AO) 12/7 is a bound volume of collated material submitted to the Loyalist Claims Commission. It contains memorials and evidence collected from Maryland Loyalist refugees in London and Halifax between 1785 and 1787. The volume lists the claims of 3 Loyalists, with evidence attesting to the validity of each claim.